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Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures in the world. Originating in China more than 2,000 years ago, acupuncture is the insertion and removal of filiform needles to stimulate acupoints (acupuncture points). In the past three decades electromagnetic research has confirmed the existence and location of these points. Needles may be inserted, manipulated, and retained for a period of time. Acupuncture can be used to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, increase range of motion, decrease the side effects of medication induced nausea, promote relaxation in an anxious patient, and reduce muscle spasm. Overall, acupuncture activates and boosts the bodies own internal healing resources to help the body deal with almost any imbalance.  Acupuncture treatments can be combined with therapeutic yoga for a truly powerful and restorative experience.  Infrared or red light therapy can be added to this service.

Functional Lab Testing lab testing can be ordered including but not limited to comprehensive blood work, female/male hormonal panels, stool & food sensitivity testing.  We work with a cutting edge company known as Evexia that provides incredible customer support, high quality testing options, & thorough materials explaining a patients results in great detail.  These labs are a great resource to gain greater insight into your health and allows us to create a more focused treatment plan catered to your individual needs.

Therapeutic Yoga combines restorative yoga (supported postures), gentle yoga, breathwork, hands-on healing, and guided meditation techniques in such a way that it is an excellent choice for those who need something gentle yet effective for bringing the body into balance and reducing stress.  Therapeutic Yoga is a deeply meditative experience – it provides the opportunity to step away from the fast pace of the outside world and access the deeper wisdom that resides within us.  This practice is particularly helpful for pregnant patients, the elderly, and those recovering from or struggling with illness, injury, trauma, stress, insomnia, and anxiety.  This service can be combined with acupuncture treatments for a truly powerful and restorative experience.  Infrared or red light therapy can be added to this service.

Rejuvenation Facial (Micro-Needling & Nano-Needling) starts with 20 minutes of acupuncture to calm the nervous system and prepare the body for treatment as well as red light therapy on the face which can be catered to your skin care goals.  Red light therapy utilizes LED light bulbs that emit a visible light with a short wavelength.  This light therapy is widely used to support the appearance and health of skin by improving skin laxity and promoting collagen production.  The device we use in our practice is designed for the face or body and can generate different types of light: blue or red.  Blue emits the shortest wavelength and is best utilized for acne, healing wounds and reducing bacteria.  Red light is especially great for anti-aging, reducing pain with acute injuries/soreness, decreasing wrinkles, stimulating hair growth, and increasing collagen/elastin production.  Ten sessions is recommended for optimal results!  Micro-needling and/or nano-needling will then be performed using the highest quality equipment and products from AcuMicro & TOMA Skincare.  Both the Nano and micro-needling treatments use a pen like device that oscillates a tip up and down to stimulate a skin reaction. They both induce cell turnover, serum infusion and provoke the healing process that results in skin transformation.  These devices significantly increase the absorption of high potency serums selected for your skin concerns which may include acne, pigmentation, scars, wrinkles, sagging skin, rosacea, etc.  If you are concerned about fine lines & wrinkles, swelling, or sagging skin, then nano-needling is for you.  If your skin care concerns include deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation or deep acne scars, than micro-needling would be the treatment for that.  Micro-needling is recommended no more then one time per month and is best done in a program of 6-10 treatments, results are often seen days after treatment and can last 3-5 years.  Nano-needling can be done weekly to exfoliate the skin.  The two treatments can be combined together.  Finally, a calming mask is then applied to complete your treatment while you lie on an infrared mat and receive chakra stone therapy.  We address the skin holistically so herbal, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations will be given when appropriate.

ACUGLOW Facial starts with 20 minutes of acupuncture to calm the nervous system and prepare the body for treatment as well as red light therapy on the face which can be catered to your skin care goals. The treatment is done on a chakra gem stone infrared mat that emits deep heat and negative ions perfect for addressing chronic pain/inflammation, moving stagnant lymph/toxins, and relaxing the mind & body.  The Red light therapy directed at the face/chest utilizes LED light bulbs that emit a visible light with a short wavelength.  This light therapy is widely used to support the appearance and health of skin by improving skin laxity and promoting collagen production.  The device we use in our practice is designed for the face or body and can generate different types of light: blue or red.  Blue emits the shortest wavelength and is best utilized for acne, healing wounds and reducing bacteria.  Red light is especially great for anti-aging, reducing pain with acute injuries/soreness, decreasing wrinkles, stimulating hair growth, and increasing collagen/elastin production.  Acupressure, a rejuvenating cleanser, & a sculpting oil  are then applied to the face/chest prior to receiving gua sha (a technique utilizing a smooth stone to gently massage the skin) & silicone cupping.  The facial releases toxins from the skin & supports lymphatic function, hydrates skin, disperses hyperpigmentation, reduces the size of enlarged pores, increases oxygen-rich blood flow, strengthens connective tissue, stimulates the cells responsible for collagen production, releases muscle tension, relieves sinus congestion, increases product absorption, reduces puffiness, minimizes wrinkles and fine lines, and balances and regulates oil production.  

Red Light Therapy utilizes LED light bulbs that emit a visible light with a short wavelength.  This light therapy is widely used to support the appearance and health of skin by improving skin laxity and promoting collagen production.  The device we use in our practice is designed for the face or body and can generate different types of light: blue or red.  Blue emits the shortest wavelength and is best utilized for acne, healing wounds and reducing bacteria.  Red light is especially great for anti-aging, reducing pain with acute injuries/soreness, decreasing wrinkles, stimulating hair growth, and increasing collagen/elastin production.  Ten sessions is recommended for optimal results.  You can add this treatment to any service (included with Rejuvenation Facials).  

Infrared Therapy is not on the visible spectrum and consists of deeper and longer wavelengths.  Our practice utilizes the Professional Grade Acumat with infrared & chakra stone therapy.  You can lie on this mat fully clothed and the infrared will penetrate deep into your body.  Infrared is amazing at alleviating chronic pain, promoting circulation and lymphatic movement, detoxifying the body, improving sleep, supporting immunity, and promoting fat loss through stimulation of metabolism.  The mat  also contains precious stones aligned with each chakra or energy system in the body: The crown chakra (around the top of the head) has amethyst (assists with physical and emotional issues), the third eye (around the forehead) has sodalite (brings emotional balance and enhances self-esteem), the throat chakra (by the throat) has blue lace agate (assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings), the heart chakra (by the chest) has green aventurine (dissolves negative emotions and thoughts), the solar plexus chakra (above the belly button) has yellow aventurine (helps focus intentions and provides ease in being yourself), the sacral chakra (around the pelvis) has carnelian (promotes positive life choices and motivates for success), and finally the root chakra (at the base of the spine) has red jasper which brings insight into difficult situations and calms the emotions).  Ten sessions is recommended for optimal results!  You can add this treatment to any service (included with Rejuvenation Facials). 


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Encinitas, CA 92024

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